Yogies Playhouse Long Day Care Centre
At Yogies Playhouse Long Day Care Centre we believe in providing quality care and education for all of our children within a family-oriented setting. We aim to provide an environment that is safe, nurturing and stimulating to all of our children, educators, families and visitors.
We believe that although children share similar paths in their individual development, each child will achieve goals at their own pace and in their own individual way. Children need to be supported, respected, protected and valued to have their individual needs met. They also have the right to be cared for in an environment that is warm, consistent, loving and peaceful and that meets all of their needs.
Our team at Yogies Playhouse aim to provide an environment in which all children feel a sense of belonging and security and that allows children to explore, grow and develop. (Within this environment, all children’s need for safety, nurturing, education, along with their physical needs, will be met). Your child will be encouraged to have a voice and contribute to decision making to foster their social skills, understanding of respect and care for others.
We believe that the role of the parent comes in many forms and is a complex one. We also believe that no one knows a child better than their parent. This is the reason that we believe in the utmost importance of working with families. Families are a great source of information and knowledge about their individual child. This means that it is also important to build partnerships with families, to learn from each other and to meet the needs of not only the child, but the whole family.
Our team at Yogies Playhouse will aim to provide a link between home and care. We will work in partnership with families to provide the best possible care for your child as well as meeting the needs of the family as a whole. Our staff aim to develop and maintain open communication with families and use families as a source of information and support. We encourage our families to take an active role in their child’s learning and in the centre. Our parents are viewed as an asset and we encourage you to be involved in day to day operations, programs and centre decisions. We aim to provide a support network to families utilising our centre and provide them with knowledge, advice and professional support should this be required.
Yogies Playhouse Service Philosophy Revised February 2022 NQS, Quality Area 7: Governance & Leadership (Element 7.1.1)
Children and their families are a part of and contribute to the wider community, so we believe that social interactions and exposure to culture and community expands children’s knowledge and development. The more experience children have learning about diversity, the more understanding they will have of the world around them.
Our team at Yogies Playhouse will aim to promote respect for diversity, culture and individual differences. We use every opportunity to teach children about the community around them and further develop their awareness of others. We will aim to teach children about what is expected of them, and what is acceptable within our society. We will offer guidance and be positive role models, demonstrating appropriate and socially acceptable behavior at all times. We acknowledge the traditional land owners of our community, the Darug tribe, past and present. We aim to provide learning opportunities for children, educators and families to explore indigenous culture in a variety of aspects of the program.
We believe that children learn through play, therefore are active in their own learning. They choose play and activities that interest them and then learn skills from these experiences. We believe that children will learn more from something that they are interested in playing or are intrigued by, and keen to explore. Play should be based on experimentation, natural curiosity, exploration and children’s interests.
Our team at Yogies Playhouse aim to provide children with opportunities for free play and exploration to create a balance between educator led learning and children’s ideas. We aim to create an environment where educators do not always decide what to teach but rather help develop the program in consultation with the children to include their own ideas, interests and play. Our educators will listen to their ideas and observe their interests to expand on play experiences.
We believe in a sustainable environment and will try to awaken in each child an appreciation of their natural surroundings and its resources. Our environment is open ended, stimulating, nurturing and adaptable to the individual needs of each child. It encourages creativity and spontaneity and develops a sense of belonging and community within the learning environment.
Our team at Yogies Playhouse aim to create a stimulating environment where children have the time, space and resources to experiment and explore their natural environment. We recognise the importance of being environmentally conscious and will continue to inspire this in young children so they can participate in sustainable practices for their future. Our team lead by example with sustainable practices embedded in policies and procedures.
Yogies Playhouse Service Philosophy Revised February 2022 NQS, Quality Area 7: Governance & Leadership (Element 7.1.1)
We believe that the program should be a balance between developmental and cognitive growth as well as children’s interest, imagination and creativity. Children are active in their own learning so therefore the program should reflect teacher guided learning as well as be flexible to include children’s own ideas about what they want to learn and how. Educators should decide what to teach, based on what children wish to extend on.
Our team at Yogies Playhouse, in practice, will aim to provide a program that balances developmental needs with children’s need to express themselves through imagination and creativity. Educators will challenge children to explore and experiment with their own ideas while guiding them in a way of learning from their curiosity. They will also use their own ideas and knowledge to initiate children’s thinking and encourage them to learn through everyday experiences as well as providing opportunities for developmentally appropriate play.
We respect each child’s culture and its values, which we incorporate into our multicultural and antibias program.
All activities planned are age appropriate and reflect each child’s development and abilities. Based on the Early Years Learning Framework, daily routines and curriculum, we encourage active engagement and meaningful experimentation in a secure setting that allows children to be leaders of their own play.
Our practices support “Belonging, Being and Becoming” and the five Learning Outcome areas for children;
Children have a strong sense of identity.
Children are connected with and contribute to their world.
Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
Children are confident and involved learners and
Children are effective communicators.
We believe that children need to build positive relationships with caregivers and that this is a fundamental element in the development of the child. Children learn best when they are listened to, responded to and cared for with genuine affection. The role of the caregiver is to build this relationship and to provide nurturing, support and stimulation to enhance each child’s developmental journey.
We believe that children need positive guidance, role modelling and honest feedback from educators to build an understanding of the world around them that is free from bias and accepting of diversity.
Yogies Playhouse Service Philosophy Revised February 2022 NQS, Quality Area 7: Governance & Leadership (Element 7.1.1)
We believe that caregivers have a responsibility to the child and family to meet their needs and provide support with the child’s best interests in mind.
Our team at Yogies Playhouse aim to build positive relationships with children based on trust and understanding. Staff will meet children’s basic needs with care, nurturing and affection. They will model appropriate behavior and reflect on their own beliefs to create an environment free from judgement and bias and accept diversity, difference and individuality. At all times, educators will have the children’s best interests as their guiding principle.
We believe that educators are one of the most valuable assets within the centre and their role in caring for the children, while working with and supporting families is imperative. We believe that supporting educators professionally as well as personally is a fundamental responsibility.
Our team at Yogies Playhouse thrive on the individual skills, interests and knowledge of each educator. We value their beliefs, diversity and individuality and believe that each educator brings many valuable assets to the service. We aim to utilise the many skills that each educator brings in a cohesive and cooperative environment while also supporting their ongoing professional growth.